Friday, January 20, 2012

For Old Time's Sake

We got this clock at a garage sale. It was just deliciously strange and stupid and pointless. It was just a plastic clock, with ordinary clockwise-turning hands, a red oblong box with blue buttons on top and a face filled with gold star-style stars. In two little windows were words on those little plastic flip cards, like numbers on those old not-quite-digital clocks. If you pressed the blue button above the window, you could change each word to spell different two-word phrases, like “Tug Ugly” or “Eat Girl”, or whatever.

We amused ourselves by absent-mindedly changing it from time to time. For five years, it sat on the shelf above our toilet, its words in a state of flux, but never making a sound, until the strike of midnight on the New Year, 2012. It sent out a weird little bleeting alarm, like we’d never heard. We’d certainly never set it, couldn’t find a way to set it. It stopped when we pressed the blue button we’d never before noticed above the clockface.

No one there that night remembered changing the words to read, “Fish Milk.”



1 comment:

  1. Well hello there, I haven't been on my own Blog in years. In fact I had a blog a long time before I had an LJ. So this is all very strange for me.

    I love the clock though and the name of the blog.
